After one extremely long hiatus I made a couple updates to my apps. Colors by Numbers I just changed some ads that I am using. I went for two services that I am just finding out about, AppFlood and StartApp. I like my new strategy if I may say. By now most people know I'm cheap, and out of the that respect I want to make things cheap for my users. AppFlood is a free alternative for me to advertise my apps and draw installs. So, with AppFlood I hopefully will draw in new players, for free, and StartApp pays me a couple cents for each new download of my apps, there is a catch though and not just for me, the user too. StartApp installs bookmarks and a search icon on the main screen. Yes, the user can delete it at anytime without affecting my apps, but I'm sure when that is seen in the description many users turn away from installing the app. Either way, this method seems to be working so far boosting my revenue from before implementation and my installs have actually increased.
My Recent Call Log has just about the same new setup. I have StartApp, but it is paired with AdMob Mediation and Tap for Tap. Admob is a popular ad service startup that has since been consumed by Google and is for use strictly for app services. They have a new mediation service where you can run their ads and other ads together without having too much extra coding in the app itself. So, I have Tap for Tap running 90% of the ads and AdMob the rest of the 10%. Tap for Tap is great for my Recent Call app due to it's show for show policy. Tap for Tap is close in style to AppFlood where as they both offer a one for one free service. AppFlood's is one download for one download. So if a user downloads an app from an ad off your app you will get a download of your app off another app. Tap for Tap will show an ad of your application for every one ad that you show on your app. The potential for growth with this method is much higher since ads are shown each time the user opens the app, where as a click on an ad is far and few between let alone expecting someone to also download the item after clicking on the ad.
Ads are not the only updates I made, for Recent Call I also made major updates to the UI that match the 4.0 for anyone with 4.0 and some tweaks for all users, including fixes for the force closes that were occurring when returning to the app shortly after leaving it! I'm excited about the updates and hope others are too. As always, thanks for the support and thanks for downloading!
P.S. I am still working on incorporating contact photos into the call logs, just trying to figure out the best way possible.